# TransactionService DataTypes

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# Transaction

Property Type Description
Date DateTime Date of the transaction
AccountNo Short
Currency String
CurrencyRate Decimal
CurrencyUnit Short
Amount Decimal
StampNo Int
Period Byte
TransactionTypeId Int The Id that defines the transaction type
Comment String Comment in the transaction
TransactionNo Int
VatCode Short
Id Guid
LinkId Int Provides information between Transactions. Please note that the LinkId is changed every time a new link is made between transactions.
InvoiceNo String
SequenceNo Short
SystemType TransactionSystemType
DueDate DateTime
Dimensions Dimension[]
RegistrationDate DateTime
OCR String KID number
Open Boolean Specifies whether a transaction is open or closed
Hidden Boolean Specifies whether a transaction is hidden in the system or not
DateChanged DateTime Date of the last change to the transaction
HasVatDividend Boolean Specifies whether a transaction is part of a VAT dividend
VatDividend Decimal Specifies the VAT dividend amount
PeriodDate Date The Period date

# TransactionSearchParameters

Property Type Description
LinkId Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. The LinkId provides information on links between e.g. invoices, credit notes and payments.
InvoiceNo String Optional. Used if you wish to search for a transaction linked to a specific invoice.
DateSearchParameters DateSearchParameters
Default: EntryDate
Required (default value is set). The DateSearchParameters lets you choose if DateStart and DateEnd should use EntryDate or DateChangedUTC. EntryDate is the default value and returns all entries/transactions in the given date range, while DateChangedUTC gives you all transactions what have been updated. This means that you can search for all transactions that have been created or updated within a given date range.
ShowOpenEntries Boolean?
Default: null
DateStart DateTime Required. Start date of the date range you wish to search in.
DateEnd DateTime Required. Stop date of the date range you wish to search in.
ProjectId Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. The project id you wish to search for. The projectId can be found using the GetProjectList (opens new window) method in the ProjectService.
DepartmentId Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. The department id you wish to search for. Can be found using the GetDepartmentList (opens new window) method in the ClientService.
AccountNoStart Short
Default: Int16.MinValue
Optional. Used to search in a specific account range.
AccountNoEnd Short
Default: Int16.MinValue
Optional. Used to search in a specific account range.
TransactionNoStart Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. Used to search in a specific transaction number range.
TransactionNoEnd Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. Used to search in a specific transaction number range.
TransactionTypeId Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. Used if you need to search for a specific transaction type. The type id can be found using the GetTransactionTypes (opens new window) method.
SystemType TransactionSystemType?
Default: null
RegisteredAfter DateTime
Default: DateTime.MinValue
Optional. Used to find transactions after a spesific date.
HasInvoiceId Boolean
Default: null (XML nil)
CustomerId Int
Default: Int32.MinValue
Optional. Used to find a transaction to a specific customer. The CustomerId can be found using the GetCompanies (opens new window) method in the CompanyService.

# TransactionType

Property Type Description
Turnover Boolean
Title String
No Int
Id Int

# PeriodType

Value Description

# AggregatedData

Property Type Description
IncomingBalance Decimal
TotalBalance Decimal
Periods KeyValuePair[] Key = Period, Value = Sum
Dimension Dimension
AccountNo Int16

# DateSearchParameters

Value Description

# TransactionSystemType

Value Description

# FiscalYear

Property Type Description
Id Guid
StartingDate DateTime
EndingDate DateTime
IsLocked Boolean
TypeId Int

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Last Updated: 5/12/2023, 9:40:31 PM