# InvoiceService Datatypes

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# InvoiceOrder

Property Type Description
OrderId Int32 Can be specified in requests to SaveInvoices, otherwise set by the system. If an existing orderId is set the request is treated as an update for an InvoiceOrder. Default value: Int32.MinValue
CustomerId Int32 Required. Must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
CustomerName String Default value: “”. Max length 100 characters.
CustomerDeliveryName String Default value: “”. Use this property when getting the Customer Delivery Name. the Delivery Name property under ‘Addresses’ can also be used for setting the name, but only this property can be used for both getting and setting the Delivery Name. Max length 250 characters
CustomerDeliveryPhone String Customer Delivery Phone. Max length 25 characters
DeliveryAlternative String Default value: “”. Max length 250 characters
Addresses Addresses Default value: null
OrderStatus OrderSlipStateType Default value: Web
InvoiceId Int32 Cannot be specified in requests to SaveInvoices, this is always defined by the system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
DateOrdered DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
DateInvoiced DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
DateChanged DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
PaymentTime Int16 Default (no change): Int16.MinValue
>=1: number of days
0: no credit time
-1: end of month + 30 days
-2: end of month + 60 days
-3: end of month + 90 days
-4: end of month
-5:end of month + 45 days
If the value received is less than the negative values in the above list it is set to "end of month + custom(egendefinert) where you have to subtract the value from 10000 to receive the value. Example: you receive -9940. Then you need to subtract that value from 10000 to get the result of end of month+ 60 days.
CustomerReferenceNo String Deprecated
ProjectId Int32 If set, must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
OurReference Int32 EmployeeId. If set, must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
IncludeVAT Boolean? Default value: null
YourReference String Default value: “”. Max length 50 characters
OrderTotalIncVat Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue. Read only
OrderTotalVat Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue. Read only
InvoiceTitle String Default value: “”. Max length 300 characters. This is the "comment" field of an invoice.
InvoiceText String Default value: “”. Max length 750 characters
Paid DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
OCR String Default value: “”. This is the invoice KID number. Max length 32 characters
CustomerOrgNo String Default value: “”. Max length 20 characters
Currency Currency Default value: null
PaymentMethodId Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue
PaymentAmount Decimal Write only property. Used for registering payments. Default value: Decimal.MinValue
ProductionManagerId Int32 If set, must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
SalesOpportunityId Int32 If set, must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
TypeOfSaleId Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue. You can get the values from GetTypeGroupList in the ClientService
Distributor Common.Distributor Default value: Default
DistributionMethod Common.DistributionMethod Default value: Unchanged
DepartmentId Int32 If set, must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
ExternalStatus Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue
DeliveryDate DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
SkipStock Boolean Default value: false
ProductionNumber String Default value: “”. Max length 20 characters
ReferenceInvoiceId Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue. Used for reference to original invoice when making a credit note.
ReferenceOrderId Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue. Used for reference to original order when making a credit note.
ReferenceNumber String Default value: “”. Max length 50 characters
InvoiceEmailAddress String Default value: “”. Max length 250 characters
AccrualDate DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue. Determines the start date for the accrual period(s)
AccrualLength Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue. Sets the number of accrual months
RoundFactor Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue. May be set to 0.1, 0.5 or 1.0
InvoiceTemplateId Guid Default value: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
VippsNumber String Deprecated
DeliveryMethod DeliveryMethod Default value: null
SendToFactoring Boolean? Default value: true
Commission Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
InvoiceRows InvoiceRow[] Default value: null
APIException Common.APIException Default value: null
UserDefinedDimensions UserDefinedDimensions[] Dimensions defined by the user
GLNNumber String Default value: “”. Uses Customer GLNNumber if default value is used and customer card has GLNNumber. To override this logic and set GLNNumber to the value NULL, the value in your request should be set to the string value NULL. Max length 13 characters
CustomerDeliveryId Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue. CustomerId of recipient, in cases where it differs from CustomerId

# InvoiceSearchParameters

Property Type Description
ChangedAfter DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
InvoiceIds Int32[] Max 1000 values. Default value: null
OrderIds Int32[] Max 1000 values. Default value: null
CustomerIds Int32[] Max 1000 values. Default value: null
ExternalStatus Int32[] Max 1000 values. Default value: null
OrderStates OrderSlipStateType[] Default value: null

# InvoiceRow

Property Type Description
ProductId Int32 Required for Row Type Normal. Must exist in system. Default value: Int32.MinValue
ProductNo String Read only. When creating orders with SaveInvoices you must use ProductId
RowId Int32 Used when editing an existing order. Default value: Int32.MinValue
VatRate Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue. Read only
Price Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
Name String Default value: “”. Max length 300 characters
DiscountRate Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
Quantity Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
QuantityDelivered Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
QuantityOrdered Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
QuantityRest Decimal -1. This property is used for creating rest orders
Cost Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
InPrice Decimal Default value: Decimal.MinValue
SequenceNumber Int16 Default value: Int16.MinValue
Hidden Boolean Default value: false. Makes the row hidden on the actual invoice statement.
Type RowType Normal or Text. Default value: Normal. Please note that TextBold is deprecated
AccrualDate DateTime Default value: DateTime.MinValue
AccrualLength Int32 Default value: Int32.MinValue
ChangeState ChangeState This property must be used when editing an already exisiting order. Default value: ChangeState.None
TypeGroupId Int32
AccountProject Boolean N/A
DepartmentId Int32
ProjectId Int32
UserDefinedDimensions UserDefinedDimensions[] Dimensions defined by the user
TaxSettings TaxSettings Override the typegroup tax rate for this invoice row
SerialNumber String

# TaxSettings

Property Type Description
TaxAccount Int32 The account
TaxCode Int32 Get this from GetTaxCodeList in the AccountService
TaxRate Decimal The tax rate you wish to set

# TemplateModel

Property Type Description
FileName String Template File name
Name String Template name
Id Guid Template Id, used for specifying templates in SaveInvoices
Language String Two character country code
IsSystemTemplate Boolean System Templates are standard templates set up in the system
IsDefault Boolean Specifies if Template is set as default. Multiple Templates can be set to default
Modified DateTime Last date modified
Customers Int[] An array of CustomerIds that are linked to the Invoice Template

# DeliveryMethod

Property Type Description
Id Int DeliveryId
Description String Description

# PaymentMethod

Property Type Description
Id Int Payment Id
Name String Name

# Parameters

Property Type Description
InvoiceId Int
TemplateId GUID

# syncParams

Property Type Description
ChangedAfter DateTime
RegisteredAfter DateTime

# OrderSlipStateType

Value Description
PaymentReminder Not in use
OrderState_SuperStore Not in use

# ChangeState

Name Value Description
None Default

# RowType

Name Value

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Last Updated: 11/22/2023, 10:02:26 AM