# AccountService Datatypes

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# BundleList

Property Type Description
Bundles Bundle[]
SaveOption Int Can be either 1 or 0. Setting 1 saves the bundle as a journal which can then be reviewed and edited on the 24SevenOffice web site. Setting 0 saves the bundle directly to the ledger. Default value is 1.
DirectLedger Bool This can be ignored in almost all cases. If set to false use customer ledger. If set to true use account that is set directly. Default value is false.
DefaultCustomerId Int Default CustomerId that is used if CustomerId is not set on one or more entries.
AllowDifference Bool Allow difference in credit/debit balance. This is only applicable when saving journal data (see SaveOption) below. Default value is false.
IgnoreWarnings String[] A list of warnings that may be ignored

# IgnoreWarnings

Name Description
vatisnotinbalance Ignores warnings about missing VAT balance. Can be applicable in cases where VAT codes are set on Entries but corresponding VAT entries are not specified
vatismissingfoundation Ignores warning about Vouchers that have a vat amount that do not have a corresponding foundation entry
invoicealreadyexists Ignores warning about invoice references that already exist in the ledger
customermismatchbankaccount Ignores warnings about mismatching back account on Customer. By default the SaveBundleList method only accepts the default bank account of a customer

# Bundle

Property Type Description
YearId Int The YearId is set to the current year of the bundle. e.g. 2017.
Vouchers Voucher[]
Sort Int Can be defined for either Bundle or Voucher. This is an entry type. The No property from GetTransactionTypes (opens new window) is used.
Name String The name of the bundle. Not applicable when SaveOption = 0
BundleDirectAccounting Boolean If set to false it automatically calculates VAT. If set to true it does not calculate VAT. This is only applicable when saving draft journal data (see SaveOption).

# Voucher

Property Type Description
TransactionNo Int This the transaction number of the voucher. Get the next available number by sending a request to GetEntryId (opens new window). The GetEntryId method takes a Date property which must be some date within the given fiscal year of the voucher. It also takes a SortNo property, here provide an EntrySeriesId property value, which can be optained by sending a request to GetTypeList (opens new window).
Entries Entry[]
Sort Int Can be defined for either Bundle or Voucher. This is an entry type. The No property from GetTransactionTypes (opens new window) is used.
DifferenceOptions DifferenceOptions

# Entry

Property Type Description
SequenceId Decimal Can be set to define the order of entries when using SaveOption 1.
CustomerId Int32 Use CompanyId from GetCompanies (opens new window)
AccountNo Int32 Use AccountNo from GetAccountList (opens new window).
Date DateTime
DueDate DateTime
Amount Decimal Use e.g. 123 for debit and -123 for credit
CurrencyId String Use e.g. NOK, USD. Get a list of client’s currencies from GetCurrencyList (opens new window)
CurrencyRate Decimal current Rate of the currency.
CurrencyUnit Int16 set the Unit of the currency. Default is 1.
DepartmentId Int32 Get a list of departments from GetDepartmentList (opens new window)
ProjectId See for example GetProjectList (opens new window)
InvoiceReferenceNo The Invoice number.
InvoiceOcr The OCR/KID number.
TaxNo The VAT type, see GetTaxCodeList (opens new window)
PeriodDate DateTime This usually follows the current month. Will be set automatically if omitted.
Comment A comment that appears on the entry line
StampNo An Id that acts as a link to any inbound invoices/documents that are sent to 24SevenOffice
BankAccountNo Bank Account number
LinkId GUID Specify to link internally in the bundle
Links LinkId: this is used for internal linking in the bundle, i.e. reference the LinkId specified in another entry in the bundle that is beeing submitted.
LineId This is for linking to existing entries. Get the LineId from the TransactionService GetTransactions (opens new window)

# EntryItem

Property Type Description
LineId GUID A single LineID. Can be fetched from GetTransactions
DueDate DateTime The new Due Date

# LinkEntryItem

Property Type Description
LineIds GUID[] An array of LineIds. Can be fetched from GetTransactions
LinkId int The LinkId that links the LineIds. Can either be an existing LinkId or newly created through CreateLink

# AccountData

Property Type Description
AccountId Int
AccountNo Short
AccountName String
AccountTax Int
TaxNo Int

# AccountDataErrors

Property Type Description
Error Enum OK, AccountDontExist, NameDontMatch

# TypeData

Property Type Description
TypeId Int
TypeNo Int
Title String
EntrySeriesID Int

# TaxMappingList

Property Type Description
GroupId Guid
Name String
Description String
IsTemplate Boolean
ElementList TaxMappingElements[]

# TaxMappingElements

Property Type Description
Symbol String
TaxNo Int

# TaxCodeElement

Property Type Description
TaxId Int
TaxNo String
TaxName String
TaxRate Decimal
AccountNo Short

# SaveBundleListResult

Property Type Description
Type Enum Ok, DuplicateData, DataAlreadySaved, NotAuthenticated, SystemError, Exception, NotSaved
Description String

# GetEntryIdResult

Property Type Description
Date DateTime
SortNo Int
EntryNo Int

# AccountList

The accountList model only consists of an array of AccountData which is described below.

Property Type Description
AccountData Int
AccountNo Short
AccountName String
AccountTax Int
TaxNo Int

# ArgEntryId

Property Type Description
Date DateTime
SortNo Int
EntryNo Int

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Last Updated: 5/19/2023, 8:00:13 AM