# PersonService Datatypes

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# PersonItem

Property Type Description
ConsumerPersonNo String Max 50 characters
Id Long
EmployeeId Int
FirstName String
LastName String
Url String
Country String
Comment String
PostAddress Address
FaxNumber FaxNumber
PhoneNumbers PhoneNumber[]
EmailAddresses EmailAddress[]
DateChanged DateTime
DateOfBirth DateTime
WebUserName String
WebPassword String
Nickname String
PersonalStatus String
Workplace String
Department String
WorkPosition String
RelationData RelationData[]
HourCost Decimal
CustomerId Int32 For customers of type Consumer. Contact is not a customer if Id = Int32.MinValue.
IsPrivate Boolean Determines if Contact is private or not. A private customer is only visible in the GUI to administrators and to the user that created the contact. Defaults to true

# PersonSearchParameters

Property Type Description
Id Long
Name String Use one word when searching for a Name that consists of two or more words
ConsumerPersonNo String
IsEmployee TriState
CustomerId Long
EmployeeId Int
ChangedAfter DateTime
Email String
Phone String
GetRelationData Boolean
Role String

# NoteData

Property Type Description
Id Int
Subject String
Description String
EmployeeId Int
DateAdded DateTime
Date DateTime
PersonId Long

# FaxNumber

Property Type Description
Description String
Type Enum
Value String

# RelationData

Property Type Description
ContactId Long
CustomerId Long
Title String
Email String
Phone String
Mobile String

# PersonCategories

Property Type Description
PersonId Int
Categories[] Int[]

# Category

Property Type Description
Id Int
Name String
Note String

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Last Updated: 5/19/2023, 8:00:13 AM