# ProductService Datatypes

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# ProductSearchParameters

Property Type Description
Id Int
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The product Id
Ids Int[]
An array of product Ids
CategoryId Int
Default value: Int32.MinValue
Category Id
No String
Default value: “”
EAN1 String
Default value: “”
Name String
Default value: “”
Name of the product
Price Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
The price of the product
DateChanged DateTime
Default value: DateTime.MinValue
If a product was changed after this time it will be returned

# ReturnProperties

The return properties consists of an array of Strings. You specify the name of the property you wish to receive on the response from the service. Example below:


# Product

Property Type Description
Id Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
Product Id
Name String Please note: Max length of 125 characters
Stock Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
The stock of the product
StatusId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
Status of the Product. 1 = Active, 0 = Expired
CategoryId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The category Id
PriceGroupID Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The price group id
InPrice Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
The in price of the product
Description String Product description.
Please note: Max length of 500 characters
DescriptionLong String Long Product description.
Max length of 1 073 741 823 characters
Cost Decimal
Default value: typeof(Decimal)
The cost of the product
EAN1 String Please note: Max length of 50 characters
Price Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
The price of the product
No String Is shown in an order row as "product nr".
Please note: Max length of 100 characters
DateChanged DateTime
Default value: DateTime.MinValue
The date when the product was changed
APIException APIException
Default value: null
If there is an exception it will be returned in this object
Weight Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
The weight of the product
MinimumStock Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
OrderProposal Decimal
Default value: Decimal.MinValue
StockLocation String Location of the stock.
Please note: Max length of 100 characters
SupplierProductCode String The suppliers product code.
Please note: Max length of 50 characters
SupplierProductName String The suppliers product name.
Please note: Max length of 250 characters
Web Boolean Not in use by the 24SO system, but can be used as a way of showing/hiding a product on an integration
ProductCode String
StockControlled String
CashPriceIncTax Double
WebPrice Decimal
SupplierId Int
TaxRate Decimal
NewOffer Boolean
NewProduct Boolean

# Discount

Property Type Description
PriceGroupId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The price group id
CategoryId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The category id
CustomerId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
The customer id
Value Decimal The value of the discount

# Category

Property Type Description
Id Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
Name String
Default value: “”
No String
Default value: “”
ParentId Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
APIException APIException
Default value: null

# ProductPriceList

Property Type Description
Id Int32
Default value: Int32.MinValue
Name String
Default value: “”
IncVat Boolean
Default value: null
Currency String
Default value: “”

# API Exception

Property Type Description
Type String
Message String
StackTrace String

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Last Updated: 9/23/2022, 10:11:54 AM