# TemplateService

Templates are specially customized tabs throughout the 24SevenOffice system that are set up for our clients by one of our consultants. Once set up, the client can set custom values for a given customer, project, sales opportunity and other elements in the 24SevenOffice system.

TemplateService (opens new window)
TemplateService WSDL (opens new window)

Data Types

# Guides

# Getting Data

To get data from a template you send a request to GetTemplateList (opens new window) to identify the template you wish to use.

You can then send a request to GetTemplateValues (opens new window) to get a list of field values for a given templateId, idType and id. The id specified is for the given type, so if the idType is Customer the id must be a Customer Id. If the idType is Project the id must be a Project Id and so on. You can get a list of Type Ids by sending a request to GetTypeDefinitions (opens new window).

Send a request to GetTemplateFields (opens new window) to get a list with a description of all the fields for a given template.

# Saving Data

When saving data you need to Specify:

  • FieldId (This is set if you are updating an existing value. You get the value from GetTemplateFields (opens new window) )
  • Value (the value you wish to save)
  • OrderId
  • TemplateId (which you get from GetTemplates)
  • Id (e.g. Customer Id, Project Id)

If you want to set an option, e.g. in a dropdown menu, you send a request to GetTemplateFieldOptions (opens new window) to get the value for the option you wish to specify.

# Methods

Method Input type Return type Description
GetTemplateList (opens new window) - Template[] Returns a list of templates
GetTemplateFields (opens new window) templateId TemplateField[] Returns a list of TemplateFields for the specified template
GetTemplateFieldOptions (opens new window) templateId, fieldId KeyValuePair[] Returns a list of the field options for the specified field. Key = Option Id, Value = Option Name.
GetTemplateValues (opens new window) Int32, TemplateType, Int32 TemplateValue[] Gets a list of values for the specified template and type id
SaveTemplateValues (opens new window) TemplateValue[] Saves the template values. Date values must be XML-formatted (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
GetTypeDefinitions (opens new window) - KeyValuePair Gets a list of id types. Key = Id, Value = Name
DeleteTemplateValues (opens new window) TemplateValue[] Int Deletes a list of Template Values
Last Updated: 5/12/2023, 9:40:31 PM