Missing REST API Resources

Finding Missing API Resources: Solutions to Keep Your Integration on Track!

Q: I'm missing some REST API resources, like an endpoint, for my integration. What can I do?

A: No worries! If you're missing an endpoint or other REST API resources, there are a couple of things you can try.

What should I do?

  1. Check the Upcoming page: The endpoint you need might be just around the corner! We regularly update the REST API with new features, and you might find your missing resource on the way.
  2. Check the REST API documentation change log: Sometimes, new resources are added quietly. Review the change log to see if what you're looking for has already been introduced.
  3. Consider using SOAP API: If you need immediate access, check out our SOAP API, which already has a wide range of available endpoints. However, you’ll need to set up a separate application for this. Head over to the Get Started section to learn more.