Troubleshooting Access Issues

Quick Fixes for Common Access Issues: Get Your App Talking to Client Data Smoothly!

Q: Why am I denied access to all client data, even though I can generate bearer access tokens?

A: If you’re getting access tokens but still can't access client data, it’s likely that your application doesn’t have the correct scopes enabled.

Scopes determine what parts of the data you're allowed to interact with. Without the proper scopes, the token you generate won’t have the necessary permissions, even if it seems valid.

What should I do?

  1. Check the scopes: Ensure your app is configured with the right scopes for the data you're trying to access.
  2. Update the scopes: If you're missing some, update your application's settings to request the necessary scopes during the authorization process.

Find the application on this page, and check and update its scopes from there:

Once your app has the right permissions, you should be good to go!


Q: I can access all data for some clients, but for others, I only have partial access. What’s going on?

A: This sounds like a client-side scope issue! Some of your clients might not have approved all the scopes your application needs. This typically happens when new scopes were added recently.

What should I do?

  1. Check if new scopes have been enabled for your app: If you’ve recently updated the scopes your app requests, clients need to accept those on their end.
  2. Ask clients to review their permissions: Encourage your clients to check and approve the new scopes for full access to their data.

This the page from which your clients can check and approve the new scopes: 

Once they’ve approved everything, your app should have full access to all their data!